How To Clean Your Vape Coils In NZ In 4 Easy Steps

Vape Coils In NZ

If you’re a vaper, then you know that one of the most important parts of your vaping setup is your coils. Vape coils in NZ are responsible for heating the liquid in your e-cigarette and turning it into vapour. They are also one of the most delicate parts of your setup, and they need to be cleaned often to keep them working properly.

Cleaning your vape coils is a relatively simple process, but it does take a bit of time and effort. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of cleaning your vape coils in 4 easy steps.

1. Removing the Coils:

The first step in cleaning your vape coils is to remove them from your tank or mod. This may seem obvious, but not everyone knows how to do it. First, turn off your device and unplug it from its charger.

Next, use a pair of pliers or tweezers to remove the coil from its housing by gently pulling up on it while pushing down on the top cap at the same time.

When you buy a vape coil in NZ, it will have spring-loaded screws instead of top caps, so take note of which method works best with your particular setup before attempting this step!

2. Soak in Hot Water:

The next thing we recommend doing when cleaning any part of your e-cigarette is soaking it in hot water first before starting any scrubbing or brushing processes. This helps loosen up any gunk or buildup that might be stuck on the outside of the coil or inside of the tank itself.

Vape Coils In NZ

We recommend using warm water for this step; if you want to get even more gunk off your coil, try boiling some water before pouring it over it! The higher temperature will help remove everything from inside the chamber faster as well as help loosen up any builds on the outside of your atomizer or cartomizer.

3. Scrub Your Coils with A Soft Brush:

The next step is to scrub them with a soft brush. Use an old toothbrush or mascara brush, as they are both very effective at cleaning the build-up of gunk from your coil’s surface.

4. Run Your Coils Through a Cycle and Repeat:

One of the best ways to clean your vape coils in NZ is by running them through several cycles of hot water and soap. You can use any kind of dish soap for this step, but liquid detergent will work best because it won’t leave behind any soap residue once it dries out.

Once you’ve cleaned your vape coils, make sure that they dry completely before using them again.

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