4 Reasons Why You Should Never Leave Home Without A Face Mask In NZ

face mask in NZ

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a global face mask shortage, with people all over the world scrambling to get their hands on face masks. While the World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend that healthy people wear face masks, they do acknowledge that there is a role for face masks in certain situations. In light of the current pandemic, here are 5 reasons why you should never leave home without a face mask in NZ:

1. The chance of Spreading the Virus to others:

If you’re sick or have been around someone who has been sick, there’s a good chance that you could be contagious. When you go out in public without wearing a mask, not only are you putting yourself at risk but also those around you as well. This can lead to a widespread outbreak of viruses like COVID-19.

2. It will Protect You against Viruses and Bacteria:

A study conducted by researchers at Columbia University found that wearing a surgical mask reduces your exposure to cold viruses by more than 90%. The study also found that wearing a surgical mask or n95 face mask in NZ reduced your exposure to airborne bacteria by more than 50%.

face mask in NZ

3. Face Masks can Help Reduce Skin Sensitivity:

If you suffer from acne or rosacea, wearing a face mask can help protect your sensitive skin from harsh weather conditions and pollution. It can also help soothe and moisturize your skin after exposure to windburn or sunburn.

If you’re prone to allergies or have dry skin, wearing a face mask when outdoors can help keep your skin hydrated since it will prevent moisture loss through evaporation.

4. It might Help You with your Social Anxiety:

If you’re shy or have a social anxiety disorder (SAD), then wearing a face mask can help reduce these feelings of awkwardness and nervousness around other people. When we interact with others, our facial expressions are essential in conveying our thoughts and feelings — they say more than words ever could!

With a face mask on, however, we don’t have to worry about these expressions being misread by others because they can’t see our faces clearly through its opaque plastic material.

Last Words:

If you leave home without wearing a face mask in NZ, then you are at a much higher risk of catching the virus. Use a face mask to protect yourself and others!

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